Community Projects

Encanto Forest Community

Women ran Co Op and Community Garden in Phoenix. Creating a new way of working with each other through conscious community practices, connection to nature, holistic healing, music, yoga, and community events.

@Encantoforest on Instagram

Reach out to me to learn more about how to be involved with this community.

Wind Spirit

Wind Spirit is a Ecovillage located in a narrow valley surrounded by mountain ranges. We aspire to live in harmony which is not always easy, be good stewards of the land and be as sustainable as possible, while also being realistic about what we can afford to do with the resources we have. Community is really all about our relationships with each other everything else is secondary. Wind Spirit is a one of a kind landscape with over a 1000 organic fruit, nut and native trees which are planted very close together, truly an oasis within the Sonoran desert

Sacred Earth

When hearing the word “desert”, some may picture a barren wasteland. However, the Sonoran Desert is one of the world’s is one of the world’s most lush and diverse ecosystems with nearly 500 known animal species, and over 2000 types of plants all living in a delicate, interwoven balance. At Sacred Earth Farm, we are learning from this balance as we strive to achieve one of our core missions of living close to and in harmony with nature, including our fellow human beings.

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Quantum Roots 501c3

501c3 non profit for Home Birth Funding to underserved communites

Veterans to Farming

Coming Soon

Together We Can Build The New Earth